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Your baby sister
    in the presence of
        twenty-five or thirty
                of people
                her husband
        Mr. & Mrs. Mathews, of NY
Ollie Trevillian
                              Goodness, gracious
Agnes me, but I was surprised!

To begin with:
Henry and I went down to Manhattan Beach to swim with the Mathews and Ollie Trevillian. It was hot: I got sunburned: and was slightly peevish when we dressed and got ready to come back to town.

That, of course was
the time Henry asked me if I wouldn't go over and show them how I could fly. I said, positively, emphatically, and "what have you" NO.

He commanded, coaxed,
and pleaded but I still said "NO". I only had one more paid lesson, and I knew Granger and Fuller and their ideas of students going out in front of a mob, and I wanted to get all I could get out of this one last lesson. Besides, I didn't have on knickers, and I DO hate to make a show of myself. But, Henry tapped on the car window at me and said "please" and I said "Oh, all right." Mrs. Mathews said "what do you do it for if you don't want to?". I said "Oh, Henry wants me to, but I don't think they'll have and jumper suit for me so I'll be all right."

Well, of course, Fuller
dug up a suit of one of the mechanic's and I went and put it on. No buttons on the top, and we had to pin it. If I had bent over twice, I would have popped. I pun on some glary old goggles, and out we went, I feeling like a freak to be shown at so much a copy.

Well, the air was
gorgeuos, and before I knew it, I forgot everything, and everybody, except the heavenly air and............................Fuller! You couldn't forget him if you wanted to. He jawed all the time. Said "these landings look all right from the hangaar, but they don't know how rough they feel to us" etc., etc - implying they weren't so hot. After the seventh landing, he said "well, we have time for one more".  That's his ending every time and when we got up to the head of the runway. he said "do you know what difference it would make if I were not in here?" Unthinkingly I said "oh, I suppose it would make it a little tail heavy." He said, "your takeoffs would be faster, and your landings slower - now, I am going to let you try it". Unconcernedly (or dumbly) I said "do you think I am ready". He answered "if I didn't think so, I wouldn't turn you loose" and he piled out and began to look for golf ball, and equally as goofily, I took off!

There's a golf course adjoining field + Fuller is always on the look out for golf balls + He had me look over when he thought he saw one.