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didn't have the 
courage to send this! 

Dear Ora, and Jim:--
           You have, in your family,one full fledged, Government inspected, Class A, Private Pilot.  She can go where she pleases:  when she pleases:  and how she pleases. 

           Now, how do you like that? 
           To-day, being the twenty-third, was the great day.  Was over at Cloverfield with the birdies, hoping to be the first called in the early, balmy morning.  I was.  "Where's your pictures" questioned C. D. Doak, Department of Commerce Inspector.  "What pictures" sez I.  And then started the delay.  I was supposed to have had two beautiful pictures of myself for Uncle Sam to identify me with, and I was lacking.  Consequently, I hied me to the beach, and after chasing all over the Front, found one of those "8 for 25 [[cents symbol]]places:  gave two to Doak:  one to mamma for you:  and the others to the flames.  I looked like I was sent for in a hurry, and couldn't come.  

             At 11:45, in the windiest part of the day, I took off - did one normal landing(not so hot):  1000' dead stick 180 [[degrees symbol]] bank into the field for a beautiful landing:  3 gentle figure eights:  3 stiff figure eights (not so bad landing): and last, but most perfect, [[typo]] 2000' dead stick, over the field, one complete 360 [[degrees symbol]]circle:  then complete 360 [[degrees symbol]] bank into the field for one red hot landing.  Passed the written and now, no one but my self, can do anything to take that license away from me!

              Mamma went over with me, and didn't know that I had gone up by myself! 

              Well, do you feel pleased?

              Tomorrow, if my coverals get dried (brought them home to wash) I am going over for some more.  Am going to have Mr. Granger give me the once over.  I would like to get in about 5 hours of acrobatics, then, I am through with them unless I have to take them! 
             There is a beautiful ship waiting for me, at Wichita, and I am wondering when I shall go after it.  I'd go tomorrow if I had the do re mi.  

Mamma is down here with me for a few days.  Do not think I shall be here much longer.  I want to be up and doing.  Gosh, I wish I had some cross country work, and a job.  Oh, well, I reckon it will come along pretty soon.  

             George went fishing Saturday and Sunday.  He and two other men caught 60 fish.  No, I do not know what they did with them all.  They gave me a couple and I took them to a Catholic woman across the street.  Am not very strong for Ocean fish.  George Schmidt filled me up on them.  

             Well, as I can only think of one thing, I'll ring off tonight.  Mamma is going to write you and send you the work of art! 

             Lots of love to you both,