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can't see on either side 'let 'em laugh' you turn b ack". I did this, and I hadn't gone five miles when a rocker arm broke! Boy, how that mechanic did rave. He said "That's it. Greased hair high school kids working a factory, risking your neck and mine by such careless work and then sending it out marked 'factory adjusted do not touch'".
    Well, this was fixed and I went on to Yuma in a heavy rain (which I got into after I had crossed the mountains) and arrived there just thirty minutes after Aimie and her new husband had left. 
    Flew through the famous, and dreaded, Gorgonio Pass: heard the wind "howl" and turned back to Beaumont after seeing a "Santa Ana" over toward March Field. Stayed at Beaumont, and left the next morning for Cloverfield and "if I do say it myself - as shouldn't" I made the most beautiful landing that was ever made on Cloverfield! As I was taxing up to the Hangaar some one jumpdd up on the wing: through his arms around me in a tight hug: and gave me a loud resounding smack on the cheek! and who do you think it was? BURDETTE FULLER!!!! Without saying a word, he jumped down, ran over to a ship that was idling, and took to the air. 
    Told Granger, I wouldn't take a thousand dollars, nor the first prize for the experience I had on this trip. He said "after you have flown a well powered ship, you won't take five thousand. You have had something invaluable, and which cannot be purchased."
    Am going out in the morning for my "license renewal". Then I'll be set for another year.
    Am, also, picking around to see what I can do in the aerial way. The Ellisons were over yesterday, and Mr. Ellison told me of some man who contemplated buying a ship for use here on the Pacific Coast. He'll see him this week, and see if he can work out a deal for me. 
    In the meantime, I am very glad you were with me in Cleveland, and I "hope to see you soon". 
    Mamma looks fine. So does Cara.
        With love to you both
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