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Women Pilots Relate Novel Experiences At Wednesday Club

"Women in Aviation" provided the theme for an interesting meeting of the Wednesday Progressive Club yesterday. Four prominent women pilots were featured. Captain Mary Charles introduced the speakers and gave an address on "Birds, and Their Relation to Aviation".
Miss Matilda Moisant, the second woman in the United States to receive a pilot license, told about flying a plane after 32 minutes instruction, in her address on "Early Aviation". Mrs. E. Granger, govnor of the "99 Club", a National women's pilot club, told of the work of this organization of pilots.
Lieutenant Neill, the founder of the first medical detachment of Woman's Air Reserve, spoke on aviation of today and the future it holds for women.
On a musical program, Mrs. L. Roy Jenkins presented Esther Murphy, vocalist, who rendered two numbers and Herman Hadler, and his sister, Miss America Hadler, who played during the business meeting by Mesdames Minnie Simms, E. Holmes, Edna Robertson, Ethel Harris, Stella Haskell, Katherine Dorse, V. Teall, and Mrs. Lulu Wood club president. Reports of reciprocity meetings were given by Mrs. Viola Grant and Mrs. Vera Seaman.

A new nation-wide project to increase aviation among women, with special goal of air-speed emergency relief work, wins favor of Gilmore Oil Company. Capt. Mary Charles of the Women's Air Reserve, pictured here in her ship with Lt. Patty Willis, plans to start soon on a speaking tour to further the project - at the service of women's organizations.