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Akronite Plunges Ahead, Crash Lands on Target
(Continued From Page One)

'I'm not going to fall out of formation.'He was seen to keep on to the objective. He dropped his bombs. Then the terrifically heavy flak bombardment got him right over the target. He was seen to go down in a crash landing into the target. 
"That's all we know.
"That's all we know," repeated the major, sadly, "except that the boys talked of nothing but Ad's bravery on their return. Baker had just been recommended for a full colonelcy, you know. 
"Col. E. R. Johnson, who led one of the other squadrons managed to get safely back to base after also bombing the target. Col. 'Killer' Kane-famed American football star who also displayed great heroism on the raid came down dar away. One or two of the men reported missing in action have since been identified as prisoners of war in Rumania."
The major paused, trying not to see that there were tears behind the black glasses which "Fran Baker had worn to hide her tears.

"Jerk was his co-pilot," he said presently. "Good old Jerk Jerstedt - he was Ad's right-hand man - If anyone could have helped him get out Jerk couldn't.
"I know," said Fran. "I know Jerk, too."
"Funny thing, mused Major Moore, I used to know Ad when he was just a youngster in the army are worse and when I was flying out at Sherman airport in Barberton. He used to come down low and buzz the field out there in his old O-47.
"Later when I got into the war it seemed as if every filled I was stationed at pretty soon old Baker would appear. I was with him at Pope and at Barksdale. We went overseas just 30 days apart. He was in one squadron and I was in another and we used to have some pretty stiff arguments as to whose was the best. 
"I saw him last just a shoer time before the raid. The general called a meeting at the base and all the boys were there but Ad. The general began to stamp up 

-Associated Press Wirephoto
Caption: Here is Col. John R. "Killer" Kane, who on Saturday received the Congressional Medal of Honor at Cairo, Egypt for his part in the bomber raid on the Ploesti oil fields. 

and down and just about then Ad came in and said his car had broken down."
The major paused.
"We only know that Ad's act and by the act of those other brave men. Hitler was deprived of one-third of his oil supply. And the war was shortened by just that much - 
"We only know that men over there have been called dead for many weeks and have somehow escaped serious injury. 
"In his war one never can say for sure."
"I know," said Fran Baker. 'I will never believe that Ad is dead until we know. Ad was a swell pilot. Ad could come through if anyone could."
The wife of the army pilot who used to astound spectators at Akron airport with his daring spins and loops in the old days, is staying at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mowrer, 466 Storer av. spring these days of waiting for more news. 
Colonel Baker's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Hower lake.