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May 10, 1951


Dear Sirs:

Referring to your letter of April 6, please be advised that we fail to understand the meaning of the paragraph reading, "Votre souscription vous donne droit à deux justificatifs du montant de Frs: 14,000 pour l'anèe 1951," and would be much obliged to you for el[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]ucidation thereof.

We take advantage of these lines to tell you that we just learned that in one of your 1950 editions there appeared an illustrated article entitled "Oeuvres et Images Inedites de la Jeunesse de Picasso". We are interested to know whether said publication may be obtained by subscription to your magazine, and if so, what ^[[the]] yearly rate amounts to.

Thanking you,

Yours very truly,

(O. A. Liechti)

Editions "Cahiers d'Art"
14, Rue du Dragon,
Paris VIe, France

[[margin]] ^[[Cahiers d'Art]] [[/margin]]


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