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March 15, 1954

Dear Jean Cailleux:

Do have my thanks for your letter of March 12, and for the program of the International exhibition of Art Dealers you are organizing in Paris this coming summer, which I duly received.

Let me congratulate you on this undertaking, for I consider it a splendid idea which I hope will meet with the success it deserves. As far as I am concerned however, though I much appreciate your thought, I prefer to abstain in view of the experience I have had of late with a couple of similar great exhibitions.

I realize fully that it is unfortunate to reach such conclusions but I suppose that if these incidents had been slightly further off in time it could have been different, but they are too much in the foreground at present.

With renewed good wishes and best personal greetings to your father and to you,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Monsieur Paul Cailleux
136, Faubourg St. Honore
