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March 19, 1949

Dear Mary:

I hope that your trip has been excellent, the sea favorable, and the winds slow, that you reach Paris and enjoy every minute of it in your charming and sympathetic apartment.

Remembering that we had hinted that after the Sydney Janis Exhibition you might consider giving us your 1909 Picasso "Nude" on consignment for sale, should this still be the case, please know that on our part we would be very happy to have it.

For this purpose please find herein enclosed a letter to us with its copy for your files which you could sign and return if you would approve of its text. I deliberately left the price to be filled in by you. I remember that you told me that you wanted $12,000. I also left the duration of the consignment open. May I suggest that we keep the painting in the gallery until the 23rd of May and then take it back in September, should the painting not have been sold previously and this still be agreeable to you.

Do let us hear from you very soon and give me some details about the charm of Paris.

Very Cordially yours,

(Georges E. Seligmann)


Mrs. Mary Callary 
33 Quai Voltaire
Paris, France
