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Paris, October 6th.1932

Dear Beatrice:
Supplementary to my yesterday's wire and letter in long hand, I shall report to you to-day the progress of the work in your "petit salon."

So far, all the necessary parts which will be executed in wood-work, are being prepared and cut, and will be placed into the room next Tuesday.

We had to overcome the great difficulty of the "boite à rideaux" which, by the exact measurements, would have looked extremely bulky and heavy, and we now have found a solution in eliminating same and arranging the curtains with "lambrequins", thus bringing down the height of the windows.

Mr. Meyer and I spent two whole mornings visiting all the silk merchants, and some of the dressmakers, in a vain effort to find some other material one could use for the panneaux, but I am very glad to say that the best and most suitable one to go with the curtains, is the one you saw; at the same time, it is the most advantageous in its price.

Regarding the time required for the work to be done, I wired you yesterday that the earliest possible date will be the 27th of October. The woodwork, boiserie, baguettes, etc., will be ready for installation on Tuesday October 11th. The installation of same, the mounting of the silk will take at least three days. After this, three coats of paint have to be applied for which one has to count eleven to twelve days in order to have each coat of paint sufficiently dry.

At the same time.........

Mrs. Charles Aubrey Cartwright.

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