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.... sufficiently dry.

At the same time, I have conferred with Mr. Delille regarding your "lustre" and he submitted to me this morning a sketch of the copy of the old chandelier you have seen in your apartment before your departure, but not quite so heavy and overcharged. The price for the copy in [[underlined]] plain glass [[/underlined]] would be : [[underlined]] Frs 7.000.- 
 [[/underlined]] (seven thousand frcs).

I have to return this sketch for a small alteration to-night and shall forward same to you upon its return to me, either Saturday or Monday. At the same time, I am asking Mr. Delille to make me an estimate of the same copy, the upper part being mounted in plain glass, and the lower part in rock cristal. It would be considerably less expensive than the one you have seen, but just as effective.

I have asked Mr. ANDRE to provide me at once with the exact estimate which should have arrived this afternoon. I shall forward same to you immediately upon receipt.

We also have found a way of hiding the little frise without touching it,-which you will be delighted to hear-eliminating thus any negociations or grafts with your architects.

Regarding the "moulures" of the "baguettes" we have chosen a very simple one of the Transition period.

As I wrote you already before, I naturally shall not sail before you have arrived in Paris, and Mr. Meyer and Mr. Georges Seligmann, and myself, are supervising all the work done for your apartment. In fact, I shall have several pieces of furniture-which the room needs-which I shall show to you upon your return to Paris.

The curtains of the room, as I mentioned to you yesterday, will be taken down to-morrow. Would you only be good enough to instruct Madame Conkelin to let me have [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] the remaining silk of same, as we need it very badly for the "lambrequins".

This, I think, will be all for to-day, and trusting these lines reach you in the best of health,

I remain, with my kindest regards,
Always faithfully,

Paris, October 6th.1932
Mrs. Charles A. Cartwright
28 Curzon Street,

Transcription Notes:
She writes Mr. “Delille” but other letters the name appears as “Delisle”