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March 22, 1950


Mr. Robert O. Parks, Curator of the Indianapolis Museum (Art Association of Indianapolis, John Herron Art Institute, Pennsylvania and 16th. St., Indianapolis, Indiana) just wrote to me with the request that I lend to them for an exhibition they are organizing the portrait by VERMEYEN which several years ago belonged to this firm.

Having recently heard you were now the owner of this painting may I inquire whether you would be willing to lend it to this institution, their planned exhibition to begin around the middle of October for two months.

Should you care to let me have your answer I would be only too pleased to forward it to them.  Otherwise the above indicated address will allow you to communicate directly.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Baron Jean Cassel van Doorn
Jevington Manor
240 Broad Ave.
New Jersey
