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May 20th., 1938.

Dear Mr. Castano:

It is hardly credible that after so many weeks I have been unable to get a definite answer from our clients about the Degas! It is true that they have been out of town a great deal, but however, I feel that I should not postpone any longer writing you on this topic and inquiring whether you still wish to have the picture in Boston. I would gladly send it up to you, but I am wondering whether you won't think that it is too late in the season.

If you do want to have the picture, I would suggest, as has been our policy right along, to share the shipping expenses - that is, that we will pay the shipping from here to Boston and you would take care of the return shipping.

Mr. Dereppe told me several weeks ago, that you were under the misapprehension that I had proposed the picture to a particular party whose name you had mentioned in your letter, though I had written you that I hadn't done so. I suppose that Mr. Dereppe misunderstood you, as you have no reason that I know of, to doubt my word. We did business years ago with the party you mentioned and we have, of course, kept in touch with him, but I repeat that this particular picture has not been offered to him.

Looking forward to hearing from you, I am,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Giovanni Castano, Esq.,
171 Newbury St., 
Boston, Mass.

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