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June 4th., 1938.

Dear Mr. Castano:

I am in receipt of your lines of June 1st., and note that you might want the pair of GILBERT STUARTs, which will be available when you ask for them.

May I just point out the following - as customary, we will gladly take care of the shipping expense to you and you, on the other hand, will pay those involved in the return.

The price which we have to ask, as I likewise told you, is $25,000. for the pair - but I trust that a slightly lower offer might be accepted. Any deal in connection with these paintings should be a cash one.

Now as regards the RAEBURN "Portrain of Robert Hodshon Cay" of which I sent you a photograph, I would like you to let me know [[underlined]]by return mail[[/underlined]] whether you see a possibility of interesting one of your clients in it. I am asking you this as I have just received a definite request for this painting and have to answer one way or the other in the next few days.

With all good wishes, I am,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Giovanni Castano, Esq.,
171 Newbury St.,
Boston, Mass.