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June 6, 1938

Mr. Germain Seligmann
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
3 East 51st Street
New York City

Dear Mr. Seligmann: 

I received your letter of June 4th. As far as the Raeburn portrait is concerned, I do not know when I could submit it to my customers as they are in Europe and I do not know just exactly when they will be back. If you have another deal for it, I should advise you to sell it, because I do not know when I shall be able to do anything with it now.

Regarding the Gilbert Stuart portraits, I am having Mr. Stone, my truckman, stop for them this week Wednesday or Thursday. I shall probably have to have them for at least thirty days, and then I may have to have a little longer time on them. The parties interested in them are very careful buyers and it takes them some time to make up their minds about things. I am sorry to say this but I have always been able to sell them everything I have offered them. If I like the Stuarts myself, I am sure I could sell them. The price is high for Stuarts at this time, and it is considerably high fornow, but if I get any kind of an offer on them, I should get in touch with you immediately.

I have postponed my trip to the West and do not intend to go there until the first of next week. I have in mind, of course, the Degas, and I am taking along the photographs you have sent me. I hope I will be able to do something for both of us.

Thanking you for your letter, I am

Sincerely yours,

[[signed]] Giovanni Castano [[/signed]]]]
Giovanni Castano