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^[[copy to Mr. C T ]]


January 17, 1934

J. Chenue, Esq.,
10 Great St. Andrew St. &
Shaftesbury Ave.,
London, W.C., England

Dear Sir:

We have forwarded to you, through our packers, Messrs. Hirshbach & Smith, Inc., 2 Stone Street, New York City, a painting by Reynolds, "Portrait of a Lady with a Child", which please after clearance have delivered at once to Messrs. G. Clark & Sons, 96 Jermyn Street, St. James's, London, S.W.1., for our account, and to whom we shall give our instructions.

As you will notice, the painting has been damaged and we are arranging with Messrs. G. Clark & Sons to restore it.  If the representatives of London Lloyds, or their agents, McKay, Morant & Co., should call at your place and want to see the picture to inspect the damage, you may, of course, let them see it.

Please collect the charges from us as soon as possible, so we can render them to the Insurance company.

This picture is without a [[strikethrough]] [[Very by but is accompanied?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[frame, but is accompanied]] by a reproduction in mezzo-tint, which also has to be delivered to Mr. Clark.

Both will be re-exported.

Very truly yours,


