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Tel, Temple Bar 8780.

French Packer,
10 Great St. Andrew Street
Shaftesbury Avenue,
London, W.C.2

London ^[[2nd. February 1934]]
^[[Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co. inc. New York]]

^[[WJ: KP]]


In reply to your favour of the 17th ult. I beg to inform you that I have received delivery of the case containing Reynolds picture and Mezzo-tint today.  The Insurance assessor has called here to see the picture, and both picture and mezzotint will be delivered to Messrs Clark tomorrow morning.  I understand the assessor is asking for an estimate before the restoration can be proceeded with.

Awaiting the favour of your further esteemed wishes, I beg to remain,

Yours faithfully,

[[signed]]J Chenue[[/signed]]