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^[[ two checkmarks]]
^[[Mr J]]

[[stamped]]MAR - 2 1934]]


J. Chenue
10. Great St. Andrew St.
London, W.C.

21st February 1934

Messrs. Jacques SELIGMANN & Fils
9. Rue de la Paix


Following my letter of yesterday I beg to say the small Gubbio plat for Mrs. Burns has been despatched today as per advice note enclosed.

Regarding the 3 pictures for New York these would come under the ad valorem rate if sent by one of the large mail boats from England, and I find there is no sailing from Havre until the 7th March. I can despatch from London direct, without paying ad valorem freight, by the s.s. American Banker, which sails on Saturday, this line being a regular weekly service.

[[pencil underlined]] Kindly telegraph me immediately [[/pencil underlined]] if I shall ship by this boat or if you prefer to wait until the 7th. March. I await the favour of your reply, and beg to remain,

Yours faithfully