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[[preprinted]] J. Chenue TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "CHENUMENT - LONDON" TELEPHONE, TEMPLE BAR 8780. 10. Great St. Andrew Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, ^[[23rd Fevruary 1934]]193 W.C.2. [[/preprinted]] Messrs Jacques Seligmann & Co Inc., 3 East 51st Street. New York. Gentlemen, I beg to advise you that in accordance with instructions received from Mr. Germain Seligmann, and your Paris office, I have despatched by the S.S."American Banker" sailing to-morrow 2 cases marked S.D.20/21 containing 3 oil paintings with frames. Case S.D.20 contains:-" [[strikethrough]] Landscape [[/strikethrough]]" ^[[Portrait]] by Raeburn and frame. Case S.D.21 contains:-"Portrait of Earl of Guilford"by Gainsborough- with frame. "Portrait of Robert Miles Esq," by Romney -with frame. The Bill of Lading and Consular Invoice have been sent forward to Messrs Hirshbach & Smith with instructions to clear and deliver to your order. I enclose herewith a copy of the Consular Invoice for your files. Trusting the pictures will arrive safely, I beg to remain, Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, [[signature]] J Chenue [[/signature]]