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[[underlined]] Copy [[/underlined]] CL. J. CHENUE 10 Great St Andrew Street Shaftesbury Avenue LONDON W.C London 2nd March 1934. ^[[2 checkmarks]] Messrs. Jacques SELIGMANN & Fils 9, rue de la Paix [[underlined]] PARIS. [[/underlined]] Gentlemen, I beg to inform you that in accordance with instructions from Messrs. Clark & Son, I have recollected the picture "Portrait of a lady with child" by Reynolds and the mezzotint of same, which I understand from Messrs Clark & Son is to be sent to New York. He also states that I must declare an additional value of £2I for the restoration of the picture. Will you be good enough to confirm that this picture has to be shipped to New York, and if so give me full particulars for Consular Invoice and sign the 3 consular papers enclosed herewith. Awaiting the favour of your reply, I beg to remain Gentlemen, Yours faithfully s/ J. CHENUE P.S.- Do you wish the above amount of £2I for restoration to be shown separately on the Consular Invoice ? ^[[Law specified since]]