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[[image - a bust]]]
[[caption]] PORTRAIT OF JOHN MARIN By GASTON LACHAISE (Bronze) Loaned by the Weyhe Galleries [[/caption]]


22. 200 Drawings from the Collection of Dan Fellowes Platt
Including drawings by approximately 50 Italian, 60 French, 80 English and 10 German Masters.

23. Drawings by Sculptors
100 drawings by sculptors and approximately 20 examples of their sculpture make up this exhibition. The work of Bourdelle, Despiau, Maillol, Lehmbruck, Lipschitz, Kolbe, Barlach, Poupelet, Lachaise, Faggi, Cash, Laurent, etc., will be represented.

24. Artists' Portraits by Themselves and by Their Friends
45 portraits (oils, watercolors, and drawings) of artists including a large number of interesting self-portraits. 

25. Annual Exhibition of International Watercolors
Watercolorists from all countries have been invited to submit work for this exhibition which will include 50 examples by representative artists. This is by the first annual exhibition of international watercolors sponsored by the College Art Association.

26.--29. The Sculpture of Our Times
35 examples of contemporary sculpture, including at least 15 pedestal pieces are included in each one of these four exhibitions. The work of Cash, Fiene, Jennewein, Sheldon, Vonnoh, Frishmuth, Laurent, Zorach, Calder, Lachaise, Sintenis, Postgate, etc., is shown in carefully assembled groups. One exhibition will be devoted to garden sculpture.

30.--32. 100 Selected Prints
These three exhibitions each include 100 prints by representative printmakers. The work of Arms, Benson, Cezanne, Cook, Derain, Gag, Hassam, Hopper, Kent, Kinney, Laboureur, Laurencin, Maillol, Marin, Matisse, Picasso, Renoir, Utrillo, van Gogh, Vlaminck, Whistler, etc., is shown in carefully arranged groups. One of these exhibitions is devoted to the newest prints of contemporary artists.

33.--34. Color Prints after Modern Masters

Applied Arts

35. Exposition of Indian Tribal Arts

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Program of
To be circulated by the
From October, 1931
Through the following season

[[caption]] LYDIA AT THE TABLE By EUGENE SPEICHER [[/caption]]

Loaned by Yale University to the College Art Association and included in a "Survey of American Painting" exhibition circulated during the past season