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November 21st, 1933.

Dear Mrs. McMahon,

Please pardon the delay in answering your kind letter of the 13th, relative to suggestions for your committee for the opening of the "First Salon of American Humor", but I have been out of town and only now am able to catch up with my correspondence. 

I've looked over our list of clients and I do not find among the various collectors any person that I feel would be interested in an exhibition of this character. 

Personally I am very interested in it, and will look forward to the opening with great expectancy.

I hope you will have an opportunity to see our current exhibition of water colors by Cézanne before it closes. 

Very truly yours,

Jacques Seligmann & Company, Inc.

(James St.L. O'Toole)

Mrs. Audery McMahon
College Art Association,
137 East 57th Street,
New York City.