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January 21st., 1935.

College Art Association,
137 East 57th. Street,
New York, New York.

Attention Mrs. Audrey MoMahon

Dear Sirs:

Referring to your letter of January 18th., in which you mention certain drawings which you would like to borrow for an exhibition you are planning, we wish hereby to give you the information re the picture by Julian Levi, who, as you know is a member of "An American Group: -

The title of the picture in question is "Barnegat", and it is a "silverpoint" drawing; the selling price is $50., and it also should be insured for this amount.

The information regarding the da la Fresnaye and two Matisse drawings, also referred to in your letter of the 18th., has already been sent you.

Looking forward to hearing from you as to the date when these drawings will be called for,

Yours very truly,

Dept. Of Contemporary American Art.

P. S. When Miss Hall called here, she spoke also of the drawing by Warren Wheelock, "In the Fields". Will you kindly let us know whether you wish it too for your exhibition?