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Reprinted from Winter 1946 issue of College Art Journal


by Elizabeth R. Sunderland

The College Art Association Microfilm Slide Project is nearing completion. The plan has been to produce a continuous master negative on several hundred feet of 35mm film which will consist of 4000 pictures illustrating the history of painting from about 1300 to the present time. From the negative, positive strips are to be printed which can be cut up by the purchaser and the items mounted separately between pieces of glass to form 2 x 2 slides. 

The printing on positive film and all the developing can be done by machinery. This is in contrast to the hand methods which must prevail for large size slides due to the fact that large size slide negatives are in separate pieces. Thus for the first time the cheapness of machine production can be exploited for the benefit of teaching materials in the fine arts. 

So precise can be the printing of the positive strips, due to machine methods, that prints will be matched to projectors. Those ordering the strips will be asked to furnish information as to the wattage of the projectors they use and the film densities will be varied accordingly.

The microfilm series now in process of completion will make possible the giving of a survey course in painting from the time of Giotto to the present day. The items have been so chosen as to make possible also courses in the Italian Renaissance, Northern Painting, and Modern Painting.

The master negative is not quite finished but something more than 3200 out of the projected 4000 pictures have already been photographed. The Italian and Northern sections are complete. There are 1013 pictures in the Italian part (13th through 18th century) and 1192 pictures in the Northern part - 239 French (15th through 18th century), 221 Spanish (15th through 18th century), 140 German (16th century), 592 Lowlands (15th through 17th century). In addition there are 384 American pictures and 125 English pictures already on film. It is planned to have some 900 items in European painting of the 19th and 20th centuries. Of these some 500 already exist on negative film. Some 50 oriental pictures and 350 items in Graphic Arts have yet to be photographed. 

The lists of items for the strip have been passed on by the Microfilm Slide Committee consisting of the following members of the College Art