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P.L. Crosby

November 26, 1935

Dear Mrs. Parker:

When I was in New York it was my idea to go over such matters covered in your letter, but I learned from Mr. Grant that you were unable to keep the appointment. Since I am writing a book and attempted to close business matters for a period of months, I was compelled to place the entire matter in Mr. Grant's hands, having him act as representative. However, I will take up the matter of the pictures covered in your letter at my earliest convenience, and I think we can work out something which will be agreeable to all parties concerned.

When I returned home, Mrs. Crosby  stunned me with a great surprise, and that is that the cook had been trapped stealing some articles, groceries and linens, and was helped by a white man whom I discharged about a month ago. There was nothing for us to do but stop our plans and bring charges. It seems that everything happened. I decided then and there to write to Mr. Grant and place the matter of pictures in his hands.

In regard to the Skippy pictures, these are getting rare, and I am willing to sell most of them for $200.00 apiece, with the exception of Skippy on the Merry-go-round and "It's All So Beautiful I'd like to give somebody a sock in the jaw." I believe Mr. Grant has a listing of the Skippy pictures at Budworth's. I believe if you take up the matter with Mr. Grant and discuss it with him he will get in touch with me as he has some other matters to take up. I will then give a price of the picture to be forwarded to the gentleman who is interested.

In regard to the original black and whites, they are in the warehouse, and I think they could be sent to the gallery. However, there are some that I would like to have in the exhibition in the spring. In a word, if they are sold I would like to have the loan of them for the exhibition. There are also a lot of French sketches done in sepia. The thought occurred to me that maybe you and Mr. Grant could make selections in the meantime. I asked Mr. Grant to get in touch with you at his earliest convenience so that arrangements could be made which would be mutually satisfactory to all parties.

Thanking you for your letter, I beg to remain,

Percy L. Crosby

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker

Transcription Notes:
image: SKIPPY INC. logo, drawing of Skippy sitting on top of an inkwell painting the logo, his dog staring at the period after "Inc." as if a ball. Ink bottle label is "P. L. Crosby"