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March 11th., 1935.

Dear Mrs. Crosby:

Thank you for your two letters of March 2nd.

I have made the necessary notes regarding the prints "In the Garden", i.e., that they are priced at $12. each

We duly received the two copies of the lithograph "Intercepting the Pass" and one of them has been sent to the Ferargil Galleries, to be shown to their client.

As regards our sale in December of one of the latter prints, I really feel that the best thing in this particular case is to let the matter drop.  Miss Lambert had given us the price of $15., and as it happened our customer stipulated that he was looking for something at that price.  He would not have paid more.  I have spoken to Mr. René Seligmann and he too feels that under the circumstances there is nothing further which can be done.

With renewed thanks for your co-operation, I am,

Yours very sincerely,

Dept. of Contemporary American Art.

P.S. We have heard nothing further from Miss. Lambert about the pictures intended for the London show, but are counting upon you to let us know when they are being returned to New York.
