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May 8th., 1937.

Dear Mr. Crosby:

I just want to transmit to you the contents of a very nice little note which we received yesterday from the Philadelphia Art Alliance in connection with your exhibition there - as I think it will please you too, particularly as it has a very optimistic tone:

"We hope that you have received by this time in good condition the Percy Crosby watercolors which you were good enough to permit the Art Alliance to exhibit.

We shall mail to you within a few days the publicity which appeared in the Philadelphia papers regarding the exhibition.

Reverberations of this exhibition are still being heard and I do hope that we will be able to report some sales to you. I cannot tell you how much we appreciate your cooperation."

Of course it is a little surprising that if they foresaw sales they did not ask to be allowed to hold certain of the pictures until they had a definite answer, but in any case they are here and if we hear further, it will be a simple matter to ship anything they might want at once.

Yours very sincerely,

(Theresa D. Parker)

Percy L. Crosby, Esq.,
McLean, Virginia.