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April 7, 1936

Jacques Seligmann & Co.
3 East 51 St.
New York, N.Y.

Dear Madam; 

In reply to your letter of March 31st. I wish to thank you for your kind offer.

After thinking this matter over carefully I now think that it is best for all parties concerned if this picture " Atlantic Coast" remain on exhibition until the end of the show. 

Then it can be packed and forewared to my address, 1757 K St. N.W. Washington,D.C. I will make arrangements for its care until I return.

Since I am leaving Washington early on May 1st you could not display this picture more than two days and then get it down here to me. I think this will be better all around.

When it is sent please make certain that no price is marked on the picture. I do not care to have the price paid for this known. I trust that you will oblige me in this request. 

Very truly yours, 
E.P. Henderson