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Explorations [[strikethrough]] during the year ending June 30, 1893. [[/strikethrough]]

The principal lots of fishes received from explorations in Natural History, as heretofore, were obtained by the U. S. Fish Commission steamers, and ^[[by]] parties engaged in the investigation of the fresh-waters of the United States.

The Steamer [[underlined]] Albatross [[/underlined]] cruised in the Pacific, the Fish Hawk and Grampus on the Atlantic coast. A number of interesting forms were again obtained by these vessels.

Agents of the Commission secured quite a number of fishes^[[,]] in a fresh state^[[,]] from which casts were made for exhibition at the Columbian Exposition. All of the interesting species were turned over to the Museum for this department. Among others of great importance may be mentioned the Scour-fish, [[underlined]] Ruvettus pretiosus [[/underlined]], and the [[underlined]] Lampris [[/underlined]], both new to the collections from the Atlantic [[strikethrough]] as well as [[/strikethrough]] ^[[and]] to the American fauna ^[[as well.]]

Collections were made in the western States and ^[[Territories]] by Agents of the Commission.