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[[preprinted]] BETTY PARSONS GALLERY MODERN PAINTINGS PLAZA 3-3456 15 EAST 57 STREET NEW YORK 22, N. Y. [[/preprinted]] Oct. 1950 What the usual public looks for is the classic, the familiar, the traditional, not the creative not, the unfamiliar. Some artists do sell sufficiently, some are arriving at this point. But in an case it is a long hard struggle. These artists have gone through the schools and academies. They are intelligent and mature. i know for a certaint[[strikethrough]]y[[/strikethrough]]y that they will occupy a place in the history of art. But pioneers cannot expect to be the favorites of their time. As for the unknown artist - what more can I expect from him than to go on painting, growing, and facing the fact^[[s]]. BETTY PARSONS GALLERY