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WABI Betty's Narration My gallery keeps me so busy that there isn't much time to paint, and whenever I have any time - - - in a car or on a plane or staying in a hotel in Turkey or Africa or wherever, or visiting friends - - I have a compulsion to sketch. I carry a sketchbook and crayons in my purse everywhere. I have [[strikethrough]] done [/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] filled [[/insertion]] dozens and dozens of sketchbooks. My family wasn't interested in art. I was born in New York City on 48th Street where there's a skyscraper now - How the city has changed! Our family lived there in a brownstone house. Father was a darling. He was a stockbroker, but he spent his life losing money. Mother was very extravagant, and Father just didn't know people. He was taken in by every crook. Mother had been a Southern belle. She had money and she built a house at Newport where we spent many summers. My grandfather, General Pierson, was one of the founders of Newport.