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Betty's Narration - Page 2

Mother was charming, very conventional and social - the social register and all that.  She had wonderful taste.  Everything had to be perfect - the house, the food - everything. 
We were the Pierson sisters - Suks, my older sister, Em, my younger sister, and I.  Mother would forget us, then suddenly [[strikethrough]] look [[/strikethrough]] ^[[remember us]] and [[strikethrough]] scream or scold [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] us tell us [[/insertion]] that we were a mess or weren't taking enough baths - Mother kept us busy with proper activities -  We loved sports, we three sisters.....swimming [[strikethrough]] on the beach[[/strikethrough]], playing tennis.....I was good at tennis... and all kinds of sports....We always had to wear white in the summer....How I hated white!  If only my [[underlined]] socks [[/underlined]] could be colored, I thought.  Mother loved to give elaborate dinner parties and plan every detail.  She could do it because we had [[strikethrough]] eight servants [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] plenty of servants [[/insertion]] in Newport.  I hated parties....I had to keep saying, "Yes, Mother" when inside I was saying, "No, Mother"....I wanted to go places, have wings, see the world..... I wanted something exciting. 
My first dream was to be an organ grinder.  I liked literature and poetry - but sculpture fascinated me.  I wanted to be a sculptor.  That was my real dream.  I tried a few things at home, but my family was not interested.