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Betty's Narration - Page 5
A lot of this change has taken place on 57th street....57th Street is my beat....I have a love-hate feeling for New York City.....

The pressures are constant in dealing with the public, as I do. and there's little time to be quietly alone.  I used to live in a loft in those early days.....Now I live in an uptown apartment..  My younger sister Emily is dead and my other sister, Suks, is married and lives in Massachusetts.  I'm not the marrying kind.  My family did not approve of college, and I married at 19.  The marriage didn't work, I liked him, but he was difficult.  I wanted to get a job, but his family said, " A [[underlined]] Parsons [[/underlined]] cannot work." ....So they gave me money to go to Paris to study art and I got a divorce there.  Then the crash came and I went broke.  I came back to America and got a job. 
Last winter the National Gallery in Washington gave their first exhibit of modern American art and of the 23 painters I had given 10 of the artists their first one-man show....They gave a dinner for all of us with my wooden sculptures on all the tables.