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[[partially cutoff]] Betty's Narration - Page 7 [[/partially cutoff]] the flower...or anything...a human being....I have to feel that....Painting is not what you see, it's what you feel.... that inner light, which is life, really, brings things alive on the canvas....It's a kind of energy light... a form of life....catching the [[double underlined]] spirit to keep it from speeding away. [[/double underlined]] ^[[Very good!!!]] I've always been attracted to the invisible. There is nothing more permanent than the invisible...For me, to be alive is to be find the truth in myself, and not impose it on others. There are no laws to truth. It's in our bones, like the earth and the sun and the sky. It's creation. I was twenty-two when I went to Paris. It was a terrific period for art. I knew Giacometti, I met Brancusi and Gertrude Stein, Modigliani....I studied with Zadkine..... Calvert Coggeshall has been with my gallery for years.....a fine artist.. One of the artists who's been with my gallery the longest, since those early days, is Saul Steinberg....Saul's at the top, very famous..I talk to many young artists, too....such as Bill Taggart... Kenzo Okada's painting conveys he is a poet and philosopher.