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Baker is doing for me what the army did to him - only he had a head start. 
[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 8 [/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

Letter from Bob today - I hadn't answered his last one - I sent him a box of Cashmere Bouquet soap (original?) He resented same - said in about 2 years he might be in a position to pay back ^[[what]] I could give him. Damn. I just want recognition for being that fine - Fitzgerald said a girl worth having isnt going to wait. I might have married him once. Now I know I wouldn't.

I'm going to A.U second semester I guess. I believe I'll like it.- if I can only find some kindred spirits. I'll go on the chance of it. Noyla says you can't get away from dense people- but I hate to be labeled as having gone to Baker. I think that is such a liability to begin with. If I had something to put my stock up some at first - but what do I care about stock? 

Jack came up to Coffeyville. He told me he loved me. It was new - from him. He dresses cute - but is so stupid.

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Feb 18. Fayetteville Ark - 

I came down here the first of Feb to school. I [[preprinted]][[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] January 9 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/preprinted]] can't say whether I like it or not - never have much time to think - sometimes in big crowds I feel like I was the only person around - there is so little stimulus for a line - and mine is sadly lacking from neglect - you can't be original in a place this size. You have to do as the angry mob do - I left my hair long for two weeks - everyone in the house has bobbed hair - so I cut mine again

June 16- C'ville - Coffeyville - home still seems the dream and Fayetteville the reality - I did like it before I left - but now since I'm home I'm beginning to see how dumb some of them were - No one was really clever - and "Gud" the vile minded one was terribly unappreciated. I like vile minds

Transcription Notes:
Made a few minor corrections. Is that "Gud" in quotes in the last sentence? Yes