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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 10 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]

John & Vi and I have so much fun together  Mullins down at  school - was the only boy that I was in love with - I think we were too much alike - I made him think too much any way - I love to laugh - and love people that make me laugh.  No one down at school did.  Urb Lewis from Baker came over to-nite - I didn't have a date for the dance so I whistled & he came over - I hate him - he is so dumb - I can't say things to make dumb people laugh like Violet can - its only when people respond that I can register at all.  I couldn't stand for him to touch my arm.  When he left - he kissed me - I don't know why i let him.  I knew he didn't expect me to at all.  He kissed so wet.  I wanted to run inside & wipe off my mouth and

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[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 11 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]]
brush my teeth - but he stood there.  He asked if he could come over tomorrow nite - I said no - He [ said, can I kiss you again then.  I said [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] - & walked in - When he kissed me at first he said "You used to care something about me at school." I didn't hear him at first & finally he repeated it.  I hate dumb people.  Bob isn't really at all dumb - only he doesn't say clever things & we never laugh - its such a mistake not to laugh.  Ducky asked me his address today - I told him.  Maybe he'll come back & work.  I've been thinking about him - I got the queerest letter from him.  It sounded actually tempermental.  He was trying to go to sleep - & kept thinking and thinking.  He didn't put his St. Louis adress on it - so if I write it will have to be to Champaign & be forwarded.  He wanted to be mysterious I think.  The letter sounded so preposterous.  He said