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June 24, 1981
Deaf Stage
Tape #4 of 4

Workshop: Deafness in the Family
Moderator: Jo Radner       Interpreter: John Ennis 
                                                            Sheila Grenell
Participants: Bill Ennis
Don Pettingill
Barbara Kannapell
Lilly Burke

Growing Up Deaf
Barbara Kannapell- 5 Deaf Relatives, Hearing sister
Bill Ennis- Little League
Lilly Burke- Deaf School in Vienna, Austria, [[strike through]] Omig [[/strike through]]
Don Pettingill- Hearing parents

Deaf Pride, Established (Founded) by Barbara Kannapell for families of deaf as well as deaf. 

Comments from Audience: Longer narration on mother having a dog to signal some one at the door, or leaving doors open

Marcella L. Erdman