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to the United States Authorities at Beaufort N.C. for support.

I am, Captain
Very Resp'f'y
Your Obed't. Serv't.
[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V. R. C. and Asst. Supt.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
H'd Quarters Sub District of Beaufort N.C.
Beaufort NC January 18th 1866

Seely Capt. F. A.  A. Q. M.
and Financial Agent

I have the honor to forward my report of monies received and expended up to date. I will forward on the 20th Inst. an estimated of funds required for the month of January 66 which will be less the amount expended. A I particularly wish to see you personally I will bring up the money "Bill" owes for the Parrott plantation, when he pays it to me; the last time I saw him he told me he would be able to pay on the 20th inst. the morrow. I will go up to New Berne on Monday with it. I handed the blank to Wharton to fill up; he will do so - at present he is sick unable to go out. Blunt Cherry has moved to Williamston on the Roanoke River. The others I have not come up with yet.

I am, Captain,
Very Respfy
Your Obed't. Serv't.
Richard Dillon
Capt. V R C and Asst. Supt.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Sub District of Beaufort N.C.
Beaufort N.C. January 20th 1866

Seely x Capt. F. A.  A. Q. M.
Financial Agent Etc.
New Berne N.C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith estimate of funds required for the Sub District of Beaufort N.C. for the  month of January 1866.

The amount expended as per voucher of the 18th forwarded to be deducted from the total required

I am, Captain
Very Respfy,
Your Obdt. Serv't.
[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V. R. C. and Asst. Supt.


Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Sub District of Beaufort N.C.
Beaufort N.C. January 20th 1866

Seely Captain F. A.  A. Q. M.
Financial Agent &c.
New Berne N.C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith estimate of funds for this Sub. Dist. for January 1866. The amount expended as per voucher forwarded the 18th inst to be deducted from the total amount required.

Enclosed please find Contract with W. Chester lease for your approval.

In consequence of the Small Pox breaking out here so violently, I was obliged to immediately employ a nurse to attend the Hospital and employed John C. Whisler at

Transcription Notes:
Note: "Inst." refers to "Instant", meaning during the same month.