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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Sub District Beaufort
Beaufort N.C. February 2d 1866

Seely Capt. F.A.
Supt. E. Dist. N.C. Bu. R.F. & A.L.
I have the honor to forward a Copy of a letter which I received from Bvt. Maj. Geo. W. Chandler C.S. Morehead City N.C. (which please find enclosed) relative to the Colored men arrested at Morehead City N.C. on the 20th Ultimo and on which I had the honor to report on the 31st I took no action in the case in obedience to the notice given to me by 1st Lieut Harlon E. Macarey 28th [[Regt?]]. Mich. Vols. Com'd'g post at Morehead City per enclosed copy.

As Bvt. Maj. Chandler's note states that Lt. Macarey has received no instructions from Dept. Hd. Grs. for the Civil Authorities to adjucate this this matter, and as I understand par 7 Cir. 5 War. Dept. Bu. R.F. & A.L. series 1865 by order of his Excellency, the President directs such cases to be adjudicated by the officer of the Bureau. If I am wrong in my interpretation of that Circular please instruct me, as from my understanding of it, I have notified the Mayor of this City - Also not to try any cases which the above Circular enumerates, and served him with a copy of it. If I am right in my understanding of the Circular, the Mayor - Mr. Hugh Murdock of Morehead City has most flagrantly disregarded, and violated both the orders of the Dept. Commander and his Excellency the President. As this is a large and responsible district, perhaps the most so in the state it would aid me in the discharge of my duties if the jurisdiction of these cases would be definitely settled. 


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I respectfully suggest, that this letter be forwarded to the Authority competent to decide on the Matter as that decission will be a guidance for me and others similarly situated.

I am, Captain,
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]] Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist Beaufort N.C. Feby. 2nd 1866

Seely Captain
I forward a Communication to day relative to the Freedmen" arrested at Morehead City. Would it not be well for you to forward it to Col Whittlesey so that it will go to the Dept. Commander, in Connection with My communication of the 31st Ultimo. Captain if my definition of Par "7" Cir "5" series 1865 is correct, I should be supported in the enforcement of it, or releived from its responsibility. You mentioned when I was in New Berne, that Minor Cases I could punish by a light fine, and if necessary imprisonment, and that the fines would go to the Credit of the Bureau to be accounted for the same as other Monies. The gaol fees, which I was to pay the City Authorities, and the graver Cases be referred to a C.M. or Military Commission, did I understand you Correctly. Am I to report all these Cases - if so I will require an other Clerk -

please send me a Copy of Circular, defining my Jurisdiction. You were to send it to me. Send it by return of post. As I will Need it.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
Richard Dillon
Capt V.R.C. and Asst. Supt-

Transcription Notes:
Mccarey or Mccasey?