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Richland Onslow Co NC July 30/66 
Dillon Richard Captain

Having expended considerable amount of medicines in the treatment of indigent Freedmen of my County, and having learned that the government has provided Medical Attendance and Supplies for this class of persons, I have ventured to send you a list of such articles of medicines as I most need, and I ask you to try if possible to have them furnished me.

I have certainly treated within the last fifteen months two hundred Cases of the above mentioned Class, and probably as many more of poor whites, without the hope of remuneration. And as my services have been and are still being given to them for nothing. It seems that it is not asking too much of the government that it should furnish me the supplies. I think I can safely state the number of cases for the next six months at seventy five, not having your supply table I have left the quantities blank in filling them please recollect our climate and the Season demand a larger proportion of Quinine than any other drug on the list

Yours Respectfully &c
(Sgd) C Duffy Jr M.D.


Bu R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist. Beaufort N.C. Aug 17/66
[[Margin]] Moore

Respectfully forwarded, on my Official Visit to Onslow Co, for the purpose of issuing rations to the Suffering Whites and Cold, I assertained Dr. Duffy statement to be strictly correct. He has administered quite an Amt. of medicines gratuitously to both White & Cold. Medicines is as necessary there as food. The distance is so far from here that the A.A. Surg on duty in this Sub. Dist.

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is unable to attend them. Dr. Duffy deserves great praise for his goodness in dispensing Medicines gratuitously to the destitute.

I respectfully recommend that a sufficiant supply of medicines be furnished him through these Hd Qrs.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.


Bu R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs E Dist N.C. New bern N.C. Aug 20/66
[[Margin]] Dillon

Respectfully returned to Capt. Richard Dillon Asst. Supt. Bu R.F. & A.L. for his Statement in regard to the disposition of the property in question
[[footnote]] Rec'd Aug. 22/66
[[footnote]] See E.B. Page 55
(Sgd) Stephen Moore Lt Col & Supt.

Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Beaufort N.C. Aug 22/66

[[Margin]] Moore

Respectfully returned to Lt Col Moore V.R.C. Supt E Dist N.C. with the information that heretofore I was required to state in forwarding an application for the restoration of property. How it was used, and by whom. The Supt. forward the papers to the Hd Qrs of the Asst. Comr (If he deems that the Asst. Supt. has given the necessary information. In this Case I have given all I can.) for his Action, usually in these cases where the applicant furnishes all the required papers, the property is restored subject to the lease. The order returning through the same Channel that the application went. In order that the Officer responsible for the property, may be able to keep his records correctly. In Cases where property is applied for that is used for Bureau or Military purposes, It is restored when no longer needed for such purposes.

In cases where property is applied for that is occupied by Freedmen it is restored subject to a reasonable time been given them to provide a home elsewhere.

[[signature]] Richard Dillon [[/signature]]
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.