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Bureau RF and AL
A A C State of Georgia
Nov 23d 1866

Respectfully referred to the Officer in Charge of Bu R.F. & A.L. Goldsboro N.C with the request that he will take such action as the necessities of the Case require

By command of Bv Maj Gen
Davis Tillman
(Sgd) Eugene Pickett
Capt and A.A.G.

[[E?]] & M 400.

Bureau R F and A L
Sub Dist of Goldsboro N.C
Goldsboro NC Nov 29th 1866

Moore S Lt Col
Supt East Dist. N.C
Newbern N.C

I have the honor to forward herewith certain papers from Capt Pickett Savannah Ga in regard to a box of Clothing etc with telegram from the Mayor of Morehead City N.C to Mr Nelson Chf of Police to stop and hold the box dated Nov 13th 1866 also his communication to Mr Nelson to return the box to him to be returned to his wifes mother which if I were in your place I would not allow. he the Mayor of Morehead City had no legal right to stop the box and should be made to pay all expenses on the same to Rome Ga where Clays wife was going

Very Respectfully
Your Obd Servt
(sgnd) James W H Stickney
Maj VRC and Asst Supt

I have ordered Mr Nelson to hold the box until I hear from you.

Bu R F and A Lands
Sub Dist of Goldsboro
Goldsboro N.C. Nov 29th 1866

Moore Lt Col

Respectfully referred to Col Moore Supt Eastern Dist N.C. this box is in possession of Mr Joseph Nelson Chief of Police of this Borough held by order of B Arendell Esq Mayor of Morehead City N.C. by whose order it was illegally retained here and Mayor Arendell should be made to pay the expenses of this box to Rome Ga

(sgnd) James W H Stickney
Maj VRC and Asst Supt

The Western Union Telegraph Company
Dated Morehead Nov 13th 1866
Received at Goldsboro 13th
To Jos Nelson Chief of Police 


Hold the box and look out for Henry he must be there

(sgnd) B Arendel
Per L

12 per 58

Morehead Nov 24th 1866

Nelson Mr
Chief of Police Goldsboro

What have you done with that box you took from Henry Clay have you sent it away. if not please send it down here to me as it is Henry Clays wifes clothes and her mother wants to get them. by so doing you will oblige

(sgnd) B Arendell
Mayor of
Morehead City

Let me hear from you soon in regard to the box