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[[underlined]] Offer [[/underlined]]

The undersigned [[underlined]] James A Bean [[/underlined]] of Washington City in the District of Columbus does hereby agree to furnish and deliver at the Freedmen's village near Lincoln Depot-East Washington,

[[underlined]] Two thousand (2000) [[/underlined]] cart loads (more or less) building sand at [[underlined]] ninety five (95) [[/underlined]] cents per load.

Should this offer be accepted address [[underlined]] James A Bean [[/underlined]] corner of 11th & of 14 East.

Washington D.C.
March 31st 1868.

[[boxed]] L. S [[/boxed]]

[[underlined]] Guarantee, [[/underlined]] 

The undersigned [[underlined]] Y. Brook Cross Jr. [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] William Dixon [[/underlined]] of Washington City District of Columbia do hereby guarantee that, in case the foregoing bid of [[underlined]] James A Bean [[/underlined]] be accepted will within five (5) days execute the contract for the same, with good and efficient sureties; and in case the said [[underlined]] James A Bean [[/underlined]] shall fail to enter this contract as aforesaid, no guarantee 

Transcription Notes:
[[Themed]] = Should [[?]] = Witness Many underlines