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signed by the Governor of Maryland. He was taken without my knowledge, delivered to Dept. Sheriff of P.G. County, & out of the District before I knew of his arrest.  I should have endeavored to procure his release upon the ground of his not having been a fugitive, or fleeing from justice, & believe I should have been successful.  

The form of warrant for arrest has been changed since that time, and it now requires a separate order for rendition; so, the same thing will not probably occur again.

He was put in jail, Feby 7th, in Marlboro, & remained until April 13, when an indictment was formed against him.

I went down to assist in his defense, and took with me five witnesses, all colored. I was aided in the defense by Shelby Clark, Esq. 

Knowing there was a prejudice against [[strikethrough]] men [[/strikethrough]] prisoners & witnesses of his color in that County, I sought to obviate it as far as possible by suggesting a trial by the Court composed of Judges Ford and Magruder. To this, the State Attorney, Mr Belt who behaved very gentlemanly, made no objection.

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No technical advantage was asked or taken on either side — All legal evidence was admitted without objection.

[[underlined]] White [[/underlined]]  The prosecution introduced Thomas Walker as a witness, who testified, he was the owner of a horse worth $30; had him Monday night, Jany 27, at his home in [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Piscataway in P.G. Co. On Tuesday morning, he was stolen. He came to Navy Yard bridge, South end, on Tuesday & gave Offr Arnold, (E.G.) information — On Friday the 30th, he was notified to come & get his horse, & on Saturday, he went up & brought him home. His house is 16 miles from Navy Yard Bridge.

[[underlined]] White [[/underlined]]   E.G. Arnold M.P. [[strikethrough]] received [[/strikethrough]] sworn. Received information of stolen horse from Walker. On Thursday, he saw the horse in possession of Mrs Christmond: took possession of him — Mrs C. said she had purchased him of Wesley Bond for $35,00 the day previous. They went together to Bond's home, met Bond — arrested him & he repaid Mrs C. $30 of the 35$, saying he had spend the other $5 — Mrs C. said, he acted very fair — said he had traded for the horse on Tuesday, near Fort Dupont.

White  Mrs Chrismond sworn, lives near Navy Yard bridge.

Transcription Notes:
P.G. County = Prince George's County, Maryland (referenced on previous page)