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[[4 column table]]
[[date]] | [[product or service]] | [[price dollars]] | [[price cents]]

1867 Nov. | C H Bliss Survey lots Del Av. | 27 | -

- | Employees Del. Av. (Nov) | 306 | 68

- | J. W. Kennedy Nails | 3 | 13

Dec. | Lumber of J. B. Foster "Jyella" & "H H Seavey" | 5769 | 50

- | Do Do [[dittos for Lumber of J. B. Foster]] Abner Taylor | 2066 | 97

- | T. M. Crouch Wharfage Shingles | 2 | 30

- | H Colman Rent of Shop | 40 | -

- | Employees Del. Av. Dec | 335 | 75

- | Mohun Howe lumber | 82 | 50

1868 Jany | J. L. Lee 13000 Laths | 48 | 75

- | A. C. Eaton 99100 Do [[ditto for Laths]] | 346 | 85

- | Levi Boles Doors, Lath &c | 1900 | -

- | T. A. Gant & Co Bricks | 1200 | -

- | Wm Young Cartage lumber | 11 | 80

- | E. Champlin Do Do [[dittos for Cartage lumber]] | 134 | 41

- | J. M. Hall Do Do [[dittos for Cartage lumber]] | 56 | - 

- | Albert Gleason Do Do [[dittos for Cartage lumber]] | 87 | 79

- | H Colman Rent Shop | 40 | -

- | J. W. Kennedy & Co Nails & Hardware | 467 | 32

- | Mohun & Sons (lumber) | 465 | -

Feby | Employees (Jany) | 3795 | -

- | N. C. Draper Dressing lumber | 722 | 77

- | [[total]] | 20293 | 46