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sent to us, and have succeeded in getting a great many before they could reach Cambridge - They now watch the train we find, & tell them to come with them, & we have missed in this way we do not know how many. I know no way of preventing it unless you will always write me when to expect a party. I am very much disappointed in Mr Smith but have always thought very ill of his wife. William Locke is very well - & is in a good place  He never spoke of any relation and I had no idea he had a mother. If you see any of Mrs Tolliver's relations will you tell them she was well the last time I saw her, and very anxious that her brother should come where she is at the Navy Yard Portsmouth

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New Hampshire at a Captain Studdard's  I would not advise any men or boys to come here at this season  It is impossible for them to get work. I sent for three boys, but do not know whether they will come. Lizzie Pinn is doing nicely - I have not received any letter from any one about any one else of the family, but wrote several letters about her brothers whom she wanted to have come. We cannot keep any boys at the school, except in extraordinary cases. I don't think it worth while for any one to come who will not stay at least four years - as it is so much trouble and expense. I hope you will send us all the orphan girls over eight years old you can, before transportation stops.

In haste
Your's truly
[[signature]] Anna Lowell [[/signature]]