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Washington, D.C. March 24 - 1868

Genl Chas. H. Howard

Dear Sir.
I propose to furnish for the buildings now in course of erection for the Bureau, Gutter & Spouting at the following prices.

Gutter 7 inch — Coke Tin. 14½ cents per lineal foot
do " " [[dittos for Gutter 7 inch]] Charcoal " [[ditto for Tin.]] 16½ " " " " [[dittos for cents per lineal foot]]
Spouting 2½ " [[ditto for inch]] Coke Tin 14½ " " " " [[dittos for cents per lineal foot]]
do " " [[dittos for Spouting 2½ inch]] Charcoal " [[ditto for Tin]] 16½ " " " " [[dittos for cents per lineal foot]]

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Svt.
[[signature]] H. I. Gregory [[/signature]]