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When Miss Blanche Scott, the aviatress, learned that William S. Luckey was booked to fly at Greater Ontario Beach Park, she immediately hunted up Manager Walters at the park to congratulate him upon having the services of Mr. Luckey. "Aside from knowing him very well myself," said Miss Scott, "My aviator friends, Tony Jannus, Frank Niles and J. Guy Gilpatric, who were in the American Derby which Mr. Luckey won, have spoken in the nicest terms of him. I haven't mounted a a pilot seat since I hurt my shoulder last spring," continued Miss Scott, "but I'm about ready to fly again and 

I'm almost tempted to breathe the air in a seat with Mr. Luckey when he flies here."

"I think Rochester is about ready for the novelty of witnessing a lady aviator," returned the park manager, "and I'm sure Mr. Luckey would be glad to have you as a companion on one of his flights."

If he isn't as skeptical about women passengers as I am, he won't mind," returned Miss Scott. "Once a now prominent vaudeville woman begged to have me take her on a flight. I consented, but looking the lady over carefully before mounting my seat I had my assistant strap her in. 'Why do you strap me in the seat?' the lady
asked. 'Oh I need to have my shoulder's free,' I said. After we were off and about one mile up I took a glance at my passenger and found she had fainted dead away."

If Mr. Luckey is satisfied, Miss Scott has consented to assist him in his war demonstrations. She declares she can throw a bomb from an airship just as well as any man and if the United States goes to war Miss Scott says she hopes to join the Red Cross hospital corps.

In all likelihood Miss Scott will make one of the flights with Mr. Luckey on Saturday, but she has not decided whether she would prefer to fly in the afternoon or in the evening.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed column reference, not required, Note: for this project instructions are not to denote images, text only to be transcribed