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Los Angeles Examiner
Part Two
Copyright. 1931. by Los Angeles Examiner

Quoted in Los Angeles Yesterday

Austria..  14.15
Belgium..  13.99
Bulgaria..   .76
Czecho-Slovakia  2.98½
Denmark..  26.77
France....  3.93½ 
Germany.   23.71

Australia.   3.81
Holland..   40.34
Great  Britain.  486.00
Greece...    1.32
Italy....    5.24
Jugoslavia.  1.78
Rumania.      .62

Spain......   9.04
Mexico.....  49.35
Hongkong...  24.70
Sweden.....  26.80
Switzerland. 19.34
Norway.....  26.77
India......  36.01
Japan......  49.40

England.484.75  France..3.89½  Canada..99.53  Italy..5.19

[[column 1]]

Addition of 25 Police Radio Cars Also Sought; Garland Joins 'Protection' Appeal

City Declared Worst-Guarded in America; Chief's Plea Represents 'Estimate' Cut


Here is table comparing the police departments of the largest American cities. Out of nine major cities Los Angeles is last:

City— | Police per 100,000 Population | Police per Sq.Mi. 
Boston | 310.8 | 52.7
New York | 269.1 | 59.3
Washington, D. C. | 259.2 | 18.1
Philadelphia | 253.9 | 38.5
Detroit | 242.8 | 27.2
St. Louis | 225.5 | 29.8
San Francisco | 206.2 | 27.1
Chicago | 191.4 | 31.1
LOS ANGELES | 192.8 |  5.4

Thousands of visitors who will come to Los Angeles for the International Olympic Games next year will find that—


This startling fact, backed by recently compiled figures, can only be overcome by the immediate addition of 500 men to the department.

And Chief of Police R.E. Steckel yesterday made known that he is ready to bargain with the city powers and cut his demand for additional officers from 1000 to 500.

Radio Cars Help

"Give me 500 additional men and 25 new radio cars and I will be ready for the Olympic Games rush," declares Steckel.

[[column 2]]

'First American Aviatrix' Claim Challenged Here

Blanche Stuart Scott, Writer, Says Her Record Predates Santa Ana Woman's

Blanche Stuart Scott doesn't want to start a controversy about who was America's first woman aviator -

[[caption]] BLANCHE SCOTT As she appeared in 1912 garb ready for takeoff in early-day plane. [[/caption]]

But, just the same, she earnestly believes she was about three weeks ahead of Dr. Beccisa Raiche of Santa Ana, recently heralded as the first woman to make an airplane flight in the United States.

"It's all ancient history now and the modern girls are doing so many wonder-things we never dreamed of," she explained. "But after thinking for 20 years that you were first, it is disheartening to be told you were not."

Miss Scott, Hollywood scenario writer, has lots of clippings and photos, dated 1910, 1911 and 1912, describing her as "first aviatrix," picturing weird "crates" and "aeroplanes," odd costumes and picture hats.

But no definite document is among them to prove that she took to the air before September 16, 1910, the date of Dr. Raiche's historic Long Island flight.

"I started flying the last week in August at Glenn Curtiss' place at Hammondsport, N. Y.," Miss Scott related.

Public Works Wages Studied

[[column 3]]

1500 Filing Will Be Rejected as Illegal; $500,000,000 Southland Holdings Affected

To end for all time attempts by homesteaders to gain title to land in old Spanish grants in California, Secretary of the Interior Wilbur yesterday issued instructions that all future homestead applications on such property be refused out of hand.

The far-reaching decision, which involves land valued conservatively at $500,000,000 and embraces 237,000 acres, formally ended a controversy that began almost at the time California became a part of the Union, and became particularly acute in the last ten years.

[[boxed]]1500 Claims Affected[[/boxed]]

Secretary Wilbur's decision was transmitted yesterday by First Assistant Secretary Joseph M. Dixon To B.B. Smith, registrar of the land office here.

As a result of the ruling, it was said, the 1500 or more claims filed on Spanish grants since 1922 will be thrown out.

A veritable flood of such claims followed the action of William R. Price and Benjamin McClendon in that year to obtain homestead rights on property included in the Loma de Santiago grant in Orange County.

They contended the title to the property was invalid, that the land was public domain and open to homestead entry.

[[boxed]]Avalanche of Filings[[/boxed]]

Thereafter, the filings came in an avalanche, inspired to a great extent, according to Registrar Smith, by a large number of organizations formed for the express purpose of aiding homesteaders to [[file on?]] such property.

[[?]] State Supreme Court [[?]] the Spanish grants [[were valid?]] and not subject to homesteading were cited by the Federal Land Commissioner in his instructions to Smith.

These decisions, he said, show clearly that "[[land within a patented ?]]

[[column 4]]

Actress Phones Lawyer She and Prince Mdivani Reconciled; 'Still Madly in Love'

Mae Murray, princess of the realm of make-believe in the theater and films, yesterday resumed the title of princess in real life, a title she was prepared Saturday to sacrifice with the filing of a divorce complaint.

She and her husband, Prince David Mdivani, native of the almost mythical country of Georgia, have become reconciled.

First information that Miss Murray had forgiven her titled spouse the numerous beatings she listed in her divorce complaint came shortly before noon. She telephoned her attorneys, Root-Bettin and Painter she wished the divorce action dismissed. She and Mdivani had become reconciled, she said.

"David has been pleading for a reconciliation ever since I filed the divorce complaint."

[[boxed]]Priest Aids[[/boxed]]

Miss Murray revealed, with this statement, that she and her titled husband "still are, and always will be, madly in love with each other."

"It was Father Mullins, pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, who really brought us back together again," she said.

"He made us realize that we were both making a dreadful mistake. And then we had our baby——our little son——to consider, too. There is something that holds a man and a woman and their child together——words don't describe just what it is.

"And when Father Mullins talked so earnestly to me, I suddenly realized that I was wrong—— and in justice to my husband, my baby, and myself, [[I decided ?]] to just forget it. And David promised never again to be jealous of my career. I'm just too happy for words."

[[columns 5, 6, 7]]
Clean Sweep of Super-Snoopers Demanded at Council's Hearing

Investigating Investigators

[[caption]] PART OF HUGE CROWD that filled the main Council chamber yesterday at the open hearing to determine the status of W.J. Mosher and the Rev. Martin Luther Thomas, City Hall attaches.

ARROW POINTS to Rev. Thomas. Others to his left in order named are: Frank Stevens, reporter; Councilman Baker, Attorneys Frederick von Schrader, J.W. Joos and Edward E. Kelly. [[/caption]]


[[?]] shattered and otherwise [[?]] courtships, and court cases.

Such was Hollywood yesterday.

Here are some of the highlights in the day's real life dramas:

Bert Roach, film comedian, divorced Gladys

Air 'Freight Cars' in Service Between Kansas City and N. Y.

[[?]] in Los Angeles to serve as "[[flying]]" freight cars, went into service last night between Kansas City and New York


Along with the thermometer, beer consumption rose to eclipse hard liquor as the favored illicit beverage during the month of July, it was indicated

[[column 8]]
Work Duplicated by Police, Assert Baker and Nix


Removal of All 18 City Prosecutor Sleuths Sought

Declaring Los Angeles is already overridden with investigators and that the city prosecutor's office is busy building up a staff that is entirely unnecessary, Councilman George W.C. Baker late yesterday declared that he will wage a campaign to abolish the entire staff of investigators attached to that office.

"The work they do is often duplicated by the police and can be better handled by the police", Baker declared.

First Session

The councilman's stand was taken following the first session of the efficiency and personnel committee of the City Council which was held yesterday to determin the status of two city investigators. The inquiry is a result of an attack on the "super snooper" system built up by the present administration.

Former City Prosecutor Lloyd S. Nix electrified the hearing by declaring he believed that all of the eighteen investigators now working for the city prosecutor's office should be dismissed and the work carried on through regular police channels.

W.J. Mosher, confidential secretary to Mayor Porter, and the Rev. Martin Luther Thomas, chief investigator of the city prosecutor's staff, are the two investigators under fire.