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1  Mrs. Blanche Stuart of Rochester, N. Y., was the first woman in history to drive an automobile from coast to coast. She made the trip in 1910, when she was 18 years old. In the picture above, Mayor Gaynor, of New York City, is wishing her good luck at the start of the momentous trek in her car 'Lady Overland.' Her companions were two newspaperwomen, neither of whom could drive. She left New York, bound for San Francisco, on May 16, 1910. The trip was to take her 41 days to accomplish.

2  The trip was sponsored by the Willys-Overland Company, predecessor of Toledo's present Willys-Overland Motors as a publicity stunt, and apparently in those days the old space grabbers were right on the job. As a publicity "natural" it was made very special by having a young girl at the wheel, which would be calculated by the publicity boys to prove that the auto was no longer a gadget but a vehicle for the wife and kids. Above, Mrs. Scott poses for her picture at Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

[[caption]] 3  Above we see the lady dare-devil whizzing over the roads of Iowa, with her newspaperwomen companions letting a reef out of their stays and wishing they'd stayed in New York writing obituaries. At that time there was only 218 miles of paved highways outside of cities in the entire nation. The trunk in back carried such things as compressed air to blow up flat tires and a tent for the girls to sleep in when night found them. [/caption]]

[[caption]] 4   These pictures were taken from Mrs. Scott's old scrap book. She's now a broadcaster with station WSAY in Rochester. The comments on the picture above: "Just after fording the Green River and stopping to see if we really made it. We made so many detours we needed a compass. But the worst came in Wyoming and Utah, for which we had no maps. I got arrested in Utah for failure to have a 'pilot' car precede me through the desert."

Peach Section

The Worry Clinic -
If You Wish To Be Popular Be Satisfied With Yourself

ANDREW F., aged 20, was a shy, introvertive type of young fellow, working as a file clerk in an insurance office.
"I don't take well with people," he ruefully confessed to me one evening after psychology class. "I don't make friends easily, but I want friends and would like to be popular.
"Surely there must be some aid that psychology can give me so I can go out and win a little popularity. I don't wish to be the life of the party necessarily, but just to be average in the number of admirers or friends I can have.
"At present I would rate myself as decidedly below average, Dr. Crane, if you will tell me what to do, I promise that I will carry out your advice to the letter."

Andrew's case is so commonly encountered that I shall give special emphasis to it today.
The secret of winning friends and becoming popular, lies in this important psychological law: "Whenever you leave a person feeling more satisfied with himself as a result of his contact with you, he will like you."
Some people, like the Prodigal Son, try to buy friends with gifts or favors, only to learn later that their fawning and flattering associates cared only for the bribes but not for those who made the gifts. Such donors have failed to understand the importance of that phrase, "more satisfied with himself."
In short, a word of honest praise or commendation for our neighbor, makes him "more satisfied with himself" than the loan of our lawnmower, the gift of money, or other favors which we dispense to him.
Many people who wish to make [[cut off]]

turned off the lights, Rossetti came stealing into his room. The poet took an extra large dose from the bottle, replaced the cover and tiptoed out; while the friend, pretending to be asleep, observed everything.
The following morning the friend asked his host how he had slept.
"Never better, and thanks to my medicine," cheerfully responded Rossetti. "But I wish you would return that bottle, I had to sneak into your room last night to get it."
Pretending reluctance, the friend returned the bottle, but did not reveal that it contained only plain water. From then on, Rossetti slept like a baby, his insomnia cured by a swig of water taken every night before bedtime!

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At a beauty contest in Paris the girl in the upper right-hand corner of this page was selected winner by the judges. However, the Parisian newspaper reporters objected and held a contest of [[cut off]]

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Mlle. Monique Ravot, above, won a beauty contest recently at the Molitor swimming pool in Paris, France. Newsmen were on hand to report the proceedings, as newsmen are apt to be wherever there's a bathing beauty contest. They objected to the decision of the judges. What they did about it you'll see by looking at 'Scribes' Choice' in columns six and seven below.

Pull Up a Chair -
Once A Year Pop May Eat As He Wants

AN ANNUAL function in Jerseyville, Ill., is the "Forbidden Fruit dinner" for husbands at which the strictly stag membership gorges itself on victuals barred from their home tables—such as onion soup, salt mackerel, sauerkraut and limburger cheese.
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Just asking: What ever happened to the prediction of British marine engineers just prior to the war's outbreak that the transatlantic liners, to compete with transoceanic airplane service, would within a decade be more than a quarter of a mile long, substantially larger than the Queen Elizabeth, with a speed connecting Europe and the United States in 3½ days. That's a dream probably forever postponed.
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It sounds more like Hitler, but it was riproaring Teddy Roosevelt who as President once told the Naval War College that no triumph of peace could be "quite so great as the supreme triumphs of war."
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It was the custom of the famed British swindler, J. Bromfield Wood, who'd spent half of his life in jails, to write each newly appointed English judge and compliment and congratulate him on his appointment—in behalf of the underworld.
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One of the world's largest flower growers, Harry Dale of Ontario, managed to brand the finest quality of roses that he wholesaled. It was accomplished with a punch, not unlike a railroad conductor's, which perforated the name "Dale" on the rose leaves, constituting a
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