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[[First column text]]
of me standing beside some early Wright plane. And I just looked like a hammer murderess.
Time and again I've begged Paul Garber of the museum to give it back, but somehow he never seems to have time.
The Kitty Hawk, hung directly in front of the main entrance of the museum, looks too good to be true. It's shiny and polished. They tell me the wing covering was replaced in 1928. I thought it looked a lot better than the kites we used to fly. They were made of bamboo and string and paper; you could look right through them.
Fun to Catch Up
It was fun to catch up wit the old Early Birds, that gang of fliers who flew before Dec. 17, 1916. About 65 of the known 350 "Birds" were present, all with their turned-back black and white checked caps. All but me: I'd left mine in my suitcase, and had to borrow one for pictures.
Everyone kept looking for Russ Holderman, chief pilot or The Gannett Newspapers and one of the earliest Early Birds. Previous commitments prevented his coming, unfortunately.
We three female Birds (Ruth Law, Alys McKay Bryant and I) were singled out for special treatment. I was glad my mother made me wear a hat. She told me I had no dignity and a hat would make people think I was a lady
Biggest thrill of the whole show was not meeting and chatting with Chief Justice Vinson and Vice-president-elect Barkley. That was a great honor. But my battered old heart fluttered like crazy when Capt. Chuck Yeager searched me out for a special greeting.
He's the handsome young man who first broke through the supersonic barrier and is one of the three winners of the 1947 Collier Aviation Trophy. I had met him when he flew me in his jet job at the air races last September in Cleveland.
Later, when I was introduced to Mrs. Yeager, I said, "Hope you don't mind, but I'm in love with your husband.' only to be told the lady was the captain's mother! She told me she never stops worrying about Chuck. Everytime he buzzes their home in West Virginia, her knees turn to water.
That darned jinx early in the day prevented my getting a picture with Capt. Yeager. Every time a photographer gets ready to shoot -three times so far- he runs out of the bulbs or film. I'll get that picture if I have to supply my own camera!(It was accomplished. See photo.)
The same jinx was right on my shoulder on the rushed trip to Margaret Hatfield's house, where I'm staying. The taxi had a flat tire!
When I finally arrived, my luggage hadn't show up. I'd sent it by taxi two hours before from the station. In it were all my clothes, including a special black dinner dress for the big Aero Club dinner last night. And most tragic, my makeup -and me wanting to
[[image: second, third, and fourth column-wide; 28 lines long; the Kitty Hawk hanging at the Smithsonian with public below]]
[[image caption:]]
Here is the Kitty Hawk as it was presented to the American people at the Smithsonian. Charles A. Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis hangs in background.
[[Second and third upper column text]]
appear my most glamorous (if possible) at these shindigs!
We alerted all the cab companies and had the police about ready to issue a riot call when the dratted driver showed up with the bags. Was I embarrassed!
The luncheon, for over 300 guests, given by Collier's Magazine, was wonderful. As guests of Aviation Editor Fred Neely, I was given special attention. I talked with Dr. Herman Shaw and Lawrence Bell, other two winners of the trophy along with Capt. Yeager.
All of this, the 45th anniversary of the first airplane flight, seems terribly important and world-shaking to everybody. But to those of us who knew the Wrights and Curtisses and other flying pioneers, it's more or less routine. It's what we dreamed of and somehow always were sure would come about.
And let me tell you, I'm mighty proud to have had a part in it!
An Aid to Your Reading
Summarizing TODAY!
Dec. 18, 1948
By Times-Union Editors
[[Second and third column text]]
Excited "small fry" impatiently await Santa's scheduled helicopter visit tomorrow in Irondequoit. Page 1-B.
Large inheritance comes as reward to employe who served farmer long and faithfully. Page 1-B.
Dutch decree provides for establishment of a new Indonesian government, ignoring republic. Page 1-A.
Lower food prices in 1949 forecast in National Grocers Bulletin. Page 1-A.
House Republicans map fight to save committee seats of Dixie Democrats. Page 2-A.
Madison takes key cage battle from West. Page 4-B.
Royals face rebuilt Pistons at Sports Arena. Page 5-B.
U. S. military machine requires strong civilian direction to promote efficiency, reduce waste. Page 6-A.
Problems of university and state school aid will confront Legislature as unsettled issues. Page 6-A.
[[Four columned table]]
Astrology | 3-A | Financial | 7-B
Comic Page | 6-B | Hobby Club | 6-B
Contract Bridge | 6-B | Meta Given Menu | 8-A
Crossword Puzzle | 5-B | Picture Page | 3-A
Dr. Brady | 5-B | Rogers | 3-A
Death Roll | 7-B | Society | 3-B
||Theaters | 7-A
[[Second and third column text]]
SEE TABLOID INSERT for Amy Croughton's Book review, radio programs and Fix It Yourself.
Al Sigi, Times-Union newscaster, at 1460 (WHEC) at 12:15 and 3:55 p. m. Monday through Friday.

[[Fourth column first deck]]
Girl, 10, Slain; Body Found In Road Ditch
[[Fourth column text]]
Chicago-(AP)- A 10-year-old, pretty blond girl was found slain in a ditch beside a country road between Chicago and suburban Elmhurst today.
She was identified as Roberta Rinearson of suburban Brookfield. She was reported missing last night. Harold Eash, manager of Brookfield and a close friend of the girl's family, identified the body.
The body was covered by her green coat. Police said she had been attacked and strangled. She wore bobby socks, a pink sweater and a blue skirt. The shoes were missing.
The body was found by Clyde Sperry of Bensenville, a bridge attendant in Elmhurst. He went to a farmhouse some two miles aways and called the police.
State police said tire tracks on the shoulder of the road indicated the body was dumped from an automobile. They estimated the slaying took place around midnight.

[[Fourth column second deck]]
Police Chief Held in Killing
[[Fourth column text]]
Evarts, Ky. -(AP)-Police Chief Isacher Combs, 28, was charged with murder today and released under $5,000 bond in connection with the fatal shooting last night of Bryan Middleton, 48, restaurant operator here.
Patrolmen Lewis Deaton, 32, attempting to help Combs serve a warrant on Middleton, was wounded slightly in the hip. No charge was placed against Deaton immediately. He said 33 shots were exchanged between the two officers and Middleton in front of the latter's restaurant.

[[Fifth column text]]
Committee on [[?]] American Activities if he was a Communist.
U. S. Judge Leon R. Yankwich will rule Monday on terms of the judgment. He asked the jury to return a special verdict, giving yes or no answers to four questions of fact.
The questions:
1-Did Cole's action before the committee "bring himself or tend to bring himself into public hatred, contempt, scorn or ridicule?" The jury said No.
2-Did Cole by his conduct before the committee tend to shock, insult or offend the community?" No, said the jury.
3-Did Cole, by his statements and conduct before the committee, prejudice MGM or the motion picture industry generally? The jury's answer: No.
4-Did MGM by its conduct toward Cole after the Washington hearing waive the right to suspend him? The jury said Yes.
The jurist referred to the fact the MGM retained Cole on the payroll a month after his committee appearance before suspending him.
The studio, whose witnesses included Louis B. Mayer, MGM head, contended that Cole violated the "public morals" clause of his contract. Judge Yankwich ruled out Communism as an issue.
After the verdict, Cole said, "This is the first time the American people have had a fair chance to hear all the facts of this case."
Cole, 44, a native of New York, has been writing for the films since 1930. Among recent films he either wrote or collaborated on are "Hostages", "None Shall Escape", "Objective Burma", and "Blood on the Sun".

[[Fifth and Sixth column deck]]
'Padlocked' for 6 Months--This Aladini Needs a Lamp
[[Fifth and Sixth text]]
Vancouver, B. C. -(U.P.)- Aladini Fanini, 46, looked out the window of his padlocked home today and wondered how his friends could shove enough coal through the inch-wide letter slot in his front door to keep him through the Winter.
If he goes outside for coal, police will arrest him. If friend come in, they'll be arrested.
Fanini elected to spend six month in solitary confinement in his home yesterday when Magistrate Oscar Orr ordered the house padlocked for six months for "frequently and illegally selling liquor".
His primary concern at the moment was what to do about his married son, Johnny, 22, and his daughter, Evelyn, 19, who are en route from Trail, B. C., to spend the holidays with him.
Heavy frost covered the city streets and the heater Fanini has set up in his living room uses only lump coal, too big to pass through the mail slot. The lay says "any person to enter the premises...may be arrested without warrant."
Fanini has two dogs and several canaries to keep him company.
"I got lotsa bird seed, so I stay inside for six months." he yelled defiantly when  police padlocked the doors.
But he didn't have anything to feed his dogs.
Dan Michetti, a friend, sidled up to the door last night and slipped two candy bars and a half pound of wieners through the mail slot.
"I hope he doesn't ask for a steak," Michetti said. "The mail slot's only an inch wide and unless he'll be satisfied with a thin one, he ain't gonna get it."

Today's Humor
Her: Say, what are those marks on your nose?
Him: They were made by glasses.
Her: You should learn to tilt your head back, it pours easier.

[[Sixth column text]]
The Communists occupied the last Nationalist-held airfield at Peiping yesterday but a counterattack drove them out. The field is seven miles from the city.
Communist units pressing the attack against Nanking again cut the government railroad supply line between Chuhsien, 30 miles northwest of Nanking, and Pengpu, 110 miles northwest, from which the Nationalists are retreating.
Several sections of track were demolished last night between Chuhsien and Chiashen. This is the fifth time Communists have cut railway communications to the Nanking battle area within the last 10 days.
Defense Line Withdrawn
Gen. Liu Shuh, commander of Nationalists troops in East China, is moving his force from Pengpu to Chuhsien in an effort to protect the rail line.
The absence of air activity in the Pengpu area and the abrupt movement of troops south indicated that a general retreat in under way from the Hwai River defense line, of which Pengpu was the anchor.
A fight to the death fro Peiping was pledged today by Gen. Fu Tsoyi, commander in that area.
Gen. Chu Hsi-chun, governor of Hope Province,  announced in Peiping that the garrison of 150,000 men was opposed by 75,000 Reds and the city had plenty of food for a siege.
In Hong Kong, exiled Marshal Li Chi-shen, Communist spokesman, said he had been approached by an emissary for a Nanking political figure who might replace Chiang as president.

[[Seventh column text]]
[[sover]]eignty for the East Indies, in the form of a projected United States of Indonesia.
Actual formation of the new regime will not be possible until some time after Jan. 1. There has been speculation here and in Batavia, Java, that establishment of the new government might bring about renewed warfare between the Dutch and the Indonesian republic.
Responsible diplomatic officials n London said The Netherlands will announce officially today the start of new military operations to maintain order in Indonesia.
The Republican government has refused to agree with the details of the new federal system for the islands and has objected particularly to the power given to the representative of the Dutch crown during the transition period.
United Nations-sponsored negotiations between The Netherlands and the republic were broken off by the Dutch las Saturday.
A dispatch said Batavia was tense today. The Indonesian news agency Antara reported the Dutch had sent a new note setting forth conditions under which they would be willing to resume talks with the republic. These were said to include a provision that the crown's commissioner have authority to proclaim a state of war or emergency should unrest occur in the republic.
The Netherlands communique issued here said the Dutch government was firmly convinced the new administrative system being provided for the islands responds "to the wishes of the great majority of the Indonesian people."

[[Seventh column first deck]]
'Persecution' Hit By Jewish Group
[[Seventh column text]]
New York -(AP)- The World Jewish Congress claims that a "deliberate and calculated program to exterminate a defenseless minority group" is in progress in Egypt and Iraq.
In a "white paper" issued yesterday on the plight of Jewish minorities, the congress said that "persecution" in Iraq and Egypt "threatens the total disfranchisement and uprooting of large and ancient Jewish communities."

[[Seventh column second deck]]
Perfume Explodes; Town Incensed
[[Seventh column text]]
London -(AP)- Barrels of perfume exploded by a fire in a soap factory made suburban Acton the sweetest smelling place in England today.
Well-nigh overpowered by the waves of scent, firemen staggered and skidded through billowing soapsuds in a futile attempt to save the four-story building.

[[Seventh column third deck]]
Newspaper Plant Burns
[[Seventh column text]]
La Salle, Ill. -(U.P.)- The La Salle News-Tribune building was destroyed by fire today, forcing the newspaper to suspend publication. Firemen said the newspaper's printing equipment was a complete loss.

[[Eight column text]]
"We want to find out how they made their contacts; how they slipped people into the government and how they kept them covered up," he said. "We need that information if we want to guard ourselves against future espionage."
Mundt said that he and Rep. Nixon (R. Calif.) may go to New York next week to interview Chambers and Miss Bentley.
Meanwhile, in New York, government sources made it clear that the federal Grand Jury intends to continue the investigation into Alger Hiss' alleged relations with Communist spies.
Sayre, Hiss' boss when he was in the State Department, will be called to testify when  the jury resumes its inquiry after a weekend layoff, authorities said.
Sayre, now a U. S. delegate to the United Nations, was due back tomorrow from Paris where he has been attending the session of the UN General Assembly.
The new jury which was impaneled Thursday heard Chambers as its first and only witness yesterday.
Tighten Espionage Laws
A government spokesman said that Miss Bentley will be called, by the jury possibly after Christmas.
As Mundt outlined the House committee's plans, there were these other developments:
1-Attorney General Clark indicated he will ask the new Congress to tighten espionage laws. He suggested extending the period in which persons may be tried for espionage, and legalizing wire-tapping "under proper restrictions."
2- The committee released the last batch of "spy papers" which Chambers claims he got from Hiss. The papers indicated the spy ring had access to top-level diplomatic exchanges, as well as messages within the State Department.
The last installment included an "aide memoire" which revealed the United States and Germany in sharp diplomatic exchange between 1937 due to conflicting trade policies.
[[Eight column deck]]
Austria Talks Hinted
Vienna-(AP)-The Soviet Union now is willing to reopen negotiations for a peace treaty for Austria, Tass, the Russian news agency, said today. The United States, Britain and  France, already have agreed to a re-opening.
Bigger Labor Unit Urged
Madison, Wis. -(U.P.)- Assistant Secretary of Labor John W. Gibson said today the Labor Department should control the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal mediation service and the U. S. Employment Service.