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Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Friday, April 8, 1949


Democracy Ideal Held Most Potent Communism Foe

Ex-Underground Worker Of Vienna Urges Ad Men to Sell It

"The ideal of American democra ycan be the greatest Fifth Column in history," Kurt Singer, Vienna-born underground worker in World War 2, told Ad Clubbers at their luncheon meeting yesterday in the Powers Hotel.

"Advertising men should strive to sell democracy with the same skill that they use in selling goods," the speaker asserted.

Singer warned that money or force cannot kill an idea, citing Christianity as an example. "We have poured 10 billion dollars into China," he added, "but that didn't save Chiang Kai-shek, and we have spent 2 billion in Greece, but there are more Communists there today than when we started.

"V must practice democracy in this country, for we now live in a goldfish bowl before the world. Then we shal lhave tens of thousands of workers for democracy behind the iron curtain. Denial of a Negro girl the right to enter a college's law department, or of Marian Anderson an opportunity to sing in Constitution Hall only works against the spread of democracy."

The speaker described successful efforts of spies and saboteurs against the United States, and assailed refusal of politicians to provide money for a "super duper" worldwide intelligence system. He said the Russians have the same plan as Hitler for ruling the world and we have been slow in understanding their methods of subversive underground warfare by which they already have conquered 12 nations. 

We Congratulate 
BLANCHE STUART SCOTT. . . on Her Birthday Today.
Blanche Stuart Scott, who is credited with being the first American woman to make a solo airplane flight, passed another milestone today--her birthday.

Mrs. Scott, who lives at 163 Hobart St., says "I have been 29 for years." She has written several short stories and spent a total of nine years writing for motion pictures in Hollywood. 

Her present activities include starring in her own radio program, "Roberta," over WARC. She also is a member of the board of trustees of the Early Birds, a group of some 200 veteran flyers.

Her recent aeronautical activies [[activities]] include a trip in a jet plane at the Cleveland Air Races last September; and accompanying Bill Cruickshank, Gannett Newspapers helicopter pilot, on a recent helicopter flight, during which they made the first Rochester rooftop landing.

RIT Junior Alumni To Plan Spring Party 

Members of the program committee of the Rochester Business Institute Junior Alumni Association will meet Monday at 8 p. m. to complete arrangements for a Spring dinner dance to be held Apr. 30 at the Powers Hotel. The meeting will be open to all junior alumni who have suggestions for the group's social calendar, according to Robert Irwin, committee chairman.

2 from Here to Attend ADA National Parley

Richard C. Wade and William E. Jamison will represent the Rochester Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action at the annual convention in Chicago tomorrow and Sunday, officials of the organization said yesterday. The delegates will help form the ADA's national program for the coming year.

Kodak Suggestion Wins $1,500 Award

Richard Karstetter, Williamson, of Kodak Company's Navy Ordnance Division is $1,500 richer today as a result of an idea he submitted to the plant's suggestion control at the ordnance plant, was a production inspector in 1946 when he suggested that the company salvage a switch from an assembly rejected for other than switch effects. A wartime stockpile of such switches prevented approval of the idea at the time. But in 1948 the salvage operation was applied to models which replaced those of the war period.